Sunday, September 3, 2017

I originally said "I will carry everywhere." Then I got lazy... But I was reminded why I should... even at home.

When I first started carrying, I did a ton of research and with the sound advice of others, decided that I would carry everywhere I could, whenever I could. For quite a while I did wether it was to take the trash out, playing outside, to the store, to and from work etc..A few years go by and I move states, which means new neighborhood, new job, and everything else. I can't carry at work and got lazy putting my gun in my car/didn't want to leave it in my car all day (honestly because I haven't bought a lock box.)Anyways, to the important part. My new house i'm living in has a small garage, that was turned into a small workshop, that faces the street. My neighborhood isn't the nicest. It's older, not ghetto, but a little worn down. Plenty of family activity out front, close to a main road. I began making tables and other furniture on top of my full time job on the side to provide for the Wifey and my little buddy. This meant working 9 hour days at my main job, then working for 3-5 hours after getting home and eating dinner. During the process of cutting, sanding and staining all the wood, I open my garage door and do most the work on my drive way. I usually throw on athletic shorts and a shirt to be comfortable.Here's my mistake...It was about 8:30pm and I was busy sanding boards just outside my garage. My wife and two year old son had been playing in the yard and just began to go inside because the sun had gone down. My wife is holding my son by the garage door into the house talking to me while I stood just outside the garage door on my driveway. It's dark outside,but the lights from my garage illuminate about 20 feet out into my driveway (no floodlights.) As i'm talking to my wife I here a mans voice behind me say, "excuse me sir." I spin my head around and this shaggy haired, dirty, sweaty man is approximately 10 feet behind me on my driveway. I NEVER HEARD HIM OR SAW HIM. As I assessed the situation my wife went inside. (After getting my son to a safe location she did text me to see if I wanted my gun. Go Wifey, but thats another point.) Examining his dirty hands, I notice a bike he had set down at the end of my driveway approx 25 feet from where I was standing. When I turned to him he had his hands up at chest level, showing me his hands and had his body somewhat turned from me, shoulders dropped and intentionally assuming a non-threatening position. He explained how he was lost and asked if he could use my phone. Long story short I help him make a few phone calls and get on his way. The whole time I am kicking myself for making such poor decisions. In the midst of the long hours and being tired, I stopped carrying around the house and wasn't carrying when I worked outside.I took the situation as a reminder and hopefully the story encourages you to take the time to have what you need incase you ever need it. I didn't expect that I would of been approached, at night.. and especially to my surprise. I practice situational awareness, but I let down my guard and was put in a situation that could of been bad, for me and my family.So here's some encouragement to y'all. It can be you. Yes, you can be taken by surprise. And yes, it's worth the extra time and energy, anything to keep your family safe.Carry safe, be smart, and be aware. via /r/CCW

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