Thursday, September 7, 2017

Advice for strongly cross eye dominant newcomer

TLDR at bottomI have grown up hunting and shooting but only recently purchased my first pistol. I shot everything right-handed until around third grade, when my dad noticed how far I was canting my head to get my left eye behind the sights and convinced me to switch hands. Since I switched later, I'm pretty comfortable working weapons with either hand and I have been fairly intentional in maintaining that skill. However, I have never really shot pistols until very recently. My thought process going in was that defensive pistol shooting would be more about reflex and the natural dexterity of my right hand would be a clear advantage, but aiming with iron sights has always been much easier lefty since my left eye is so much stronger (for reference, doing the "thumb at arms length test" at two yards results in no movement when I close my right eye and an 8 inch jump when I close my left). I bought the PPQ M1 to have a truly ambi gun to be able to try both, and the results are...interesting. After a bit of shooting I get what I think are passable groups for a new shooter with either hand. However, my right-hand groups are consistently 4-5 inches left of target at 10 yards, and I can't seem to get that fixed (granted, I'm only probably a couple hundred rounds in with each hand). My permit should be coming soon, but before I carry I need to, along with shooting more, pick up a good holster, which means I need to decide which hand to carry with. Right now I'm leaning left, since shot placement is better and any draw issues can be ironed out with dry-fire drills, which are easier/cheaper. Before I commit, I thought I'd see what you guys and gals think about the pros and cons of carrying non-dominant hand in my case.TLDR:Very strongly left-eye dominant. Group well with both hands but right hand consistently 4-5 inches left at 10 yards. Leaning towards carrying lefty even though it's my non-dominant hand but looking for advice (esp. regarding ccw aspects, the range solution is simple, shoot with the better hand, but I'm less new to the practical matters of ccw) via /r/CCW

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