Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Just in case you were unaware. Steer clear of DB for your CCW

So, for better or worse, I bought a DB .380 a few years back. It's really easy now to shrug and say how dumb that was, with the reputation the gun has earned, but when I bought it people were still celebrating it's awesomeness. It was awesome too! for some reason, mine escaped the lack of reliability that seems to plague the gun. I bought it as a carry weapon for those times where small is really necessary, and as far as my testing on the range went, it was very reliable. Fast forward a few years. Two trips to the range, 5 different kinds of ammo, FTEs, FTFs, and totally non-functional. I send it to DB and don't hear anything for a month. I email them and am told that they will be replacing my gun with a brand new one. Then 4 more months went by. I was relatively ookay with that too. I was peeved that they had told me the gun would ship in 2 weeks, but looking at some of the other warranty related stuff on here, that isn't so long to wait. Range test yesterday determined I will never trust my life with anything DB produces again. three different kinds of ammo, with both the new and old (the shipped the new one with my 2 old ones) magazines. The damn thing won't chamber 2 rounds in a row. FTF every damn time. I have a 400$ paper weight. (more like 186 new on bud's now) I'm also not in a position financially to be able to run out and get a different gun at the moment. I'm just without a CCW in those needs to be small situations. How the FUCK can people trust your weapons if you are sending out dysfunctional replacements on warranty claims DB? via /r/CCW

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