Monday, May 29, 2017

KS HiPo became my new best friend. Pulled over while carrying.

In April 2016, on a Tuesday, my newborn daughter had to be transferred via air transport from a small hospital NICU to a larger hospital NICU across the state for surgery. The Air transport allows one parent to accompany the patient on the airplane, and my wife went, leaving me a 3 hour drive before being reunited with them.I left them at the door as they headed off with EMS and I went to my truck. I stopped and filled up with fuel, grabbed some clean clothes for the both of us, picked up my father in law and headed towards the destination hospital.Halfway in to the trip, on a long open stretch of divided highway, doing in between 90-95 in a 75, I see a car traveling the opposite direction flip on the red & blues & pull a uturn in the median of the divided highway. Knowing full well the officer was responding to my speeding, I immediately turned my hazard lights on, and pulled over as far to the right as I could get. I shut the engine off, placed my keys on the dash, and turned on all the lights in the cab, as it was after dark at this point. I retrieved my drivers license, license to carry, and had my father in law pass me the registration and proof of insurance from the glovebox, and rolled down my window.When the officer approached my door, I already had all my documents in my left hand, clearly visible, with my right hand on the steering wheel. The conversation went as follows:Officer: Good evening, I'm officer something something with the Kansas Highway Patrol, might there be any justification for your excessive speed this evening?Me: Sir, My name is Comeinayyha, I have a license to carry a weapon and am doing so on my right hip, here are all my documents. I was speeding this evening because my 9 day old baby girl is on air transport with her mother from hospital A to hospital B, in need of surgery, and we don't yet know if they will proceed with surgery tonight, or tomorrow morning. I am simply trying to get to Hospital B as quickly as possible.The officer looked through my licenses and paperwork, handed me back my carry license and said "Ok, just one moment," and walked back to his cruiser. He returned a moment later and handed me my paperwork.Officer: I know you have a reason to be in a hurry, but we just want to make sure everyone is being safe this evening. Keep your speed to around 84 the rest of the way on this highway and no one will bother you.I thanked him profusely, started the truck, checked my mirror and wrapped it up to around 84. He followed me for a mile or so with the lights going, then turned off.No speeding ticket, no written warning, barely a verbal warning. He helped me out in a few ways. Not piling a speeding ticket on to the mountain of stress we had been developing, processing the traffic stop quickly & getting me back on the road, and telling me it was ok to push my speed a little. We made it to the hospital shortly there after, where I had to disarm and store in a lockbox in my truck, because the hospital is a posted facility. Did my license to carry help in my interaction? Maybe, can't be for sure. Just better to not find out how the interactions go without it.Tldr; got pulled over, no ticket, officer gave a mph recommendation that still allowed me to break the speed limit. via /r/CCW

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