Saturday, May 27, 2017

The problem with the gun community...and sometimes this subreddit

Mrgunsngear posted a very interesting video on his B channel about the problem with the gun community( 2:20 and on is the best part.He's basically addressing how he posted a video of a guy shooting a .50BMG who was overweight, and how all the instagram replies were just shitting on the guy for being overweight. This is the said photo totally agree that we have a problem in the gun community and that is ego. I've noticed many times on this sub where someone was asking a simple question...only to get shit on. The most recent one was where a guy who was overweight was asking about appendix carry, and most of the comments were making fun of his weight...and not addressing his initial question.Now I know we are all adults, and Reddit in general is a lot of arguing...but think about something. Lets say someone who's on the fence of being pro/anti gun comes to this sub, and then we bully/make them feel stupid....we could be potentially turning someone that could of been one of us...into someone that will vote towards anti-gun legislation.I think this is why we(gun owners) come off looking stupid in political debates as well. As soon as someone opposes guns...usually the person debating will get all charged up and emotional, making themselves look like a fool. A good example of how a gun vs anti gun debate should go is Ben Shapiro vs Piers Morgan. have also seen guys in gun shops almost argue to the point of fist fights over something as trivial as a caliber debate.Basically what I'm trying to say is STOP THE INFIGHTING and EGOS. We're all on the same side... the last thing we need to do is be egotistical just because someone is less knowledgeable than us on a particular subject matter. This sub is a great opportunity to take someone who's on the fence and turn them into a law abiding-trained concealed carrier...if we insult them and make them feel stupid it will only do the opposite. via /r/CCW

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