Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Situational Awareness/other pre-CCW training?

A buddy and I are in the process of getting our NY Concealed Carry Permits. Even though we can’t even touch a handgun until our pending permit approval comes through, I’d still like to do some sort of passive training if nothing else. Any suggestions on how to go about that? For just myself, I’ve been watching lots of YouTube tutorials, gun reviews, legal discussions, etc. As far as beyond YouTube, my thought was, at Walmart or whatever, one of us could lay out a random situation and the other would say what they’d do in the given situation as far as cover, de-escalation, and other situation specific stuff. Obviously in a discreet way and not diving behind shelves or anything ridiculous like that, just talking out the situation and trying to be more aware of our surroundings. Am I totally off base? Is that a good idea? I’m super open to suggestions, we both have a solid handle on the use of rifles and shotguns but handguns and CCW is gonna be pretty much all new to both of us other than basic functionality. via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3fugEp4

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