Sunday, August 29, 2021

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE fully realize how FAST it happens and ends.

This is a PSA and sobering reminder.I know we read every single day about how a self defense situation happens and there is often no time to chamber a round, or even draw fully or let alone use the sights, but please please please grind this into your skull and train accordingly.YOU WILL NOT HAVE TIME AND IT HAPPENS IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE. You will default to your training or lack there of. You will not have time to think.I was in a very scary and real situation and it happened in a blink of the eye, but in slow motion all the same. Tunnel vision is a thing. No further details other than it ended with the best possible outcome for me. Yes, I had a round chambered and do train regularly.Something else very important to consider that doesn't come up enough is what the fuck to do after. What if you've subdued somebody? What if you scuffle and they try to run away? What if you hurt somebody? What if you killed somebody? You will not have time to think in the moment, so figure it out now and don't just train for the situation, but for after as well. Run every possible scenario through your head and (obviously or maybe not so obviously) be very familiar with your local laws.I also think there is tremendous merit doing training with a friend, having them try to get drop on you and actually drawing and fighting in a real time (after obviously double, triple and quadruple clearing). This also does not come up often and think it's probably as important as practicing your draw and firing.Just be careful and for the love of God, keep one in the pipe when carrying. You will not have time.I'm not going to respond to comments. via /r/CCW

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