Saturday, August 28, 2021

Rusty carry gun horror story

Inspired by today’s thread by the P365 with the rusty bore. This is meant as a constructive thread, not belittling anyone. P365 guy has my sympathy. I’d expect better from a Sig product. Anyways, I read a horror story by a gunsmith who’s client brought in a 1911. Disclosure: all the details I’m relating is all I remember. Don’t ask about timeframes, finishes, or manufacturer, I don’t remember. I’m guessing 1911 guy was an older fella. He kept the gun in the console of his truck, next to the cup holder he always used for his daily coffee. He went to shoot it one day after some period of time had passed. The trigger was frozen, the slide was locked up. He told the gunsmith every time he spilled coffee on it, he wiped it down “real good” with a rag to clean it up. When the smith finally got it apart, the entire inside of the gun was rusted. Glad dude had never needed to defend himself with it. Yikes. via /r/CCW

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