Monday, August 30, 2021

Scenario: Open carrying horseback ranchers rode through my campsite and nothing really happened, but what are your thoughts? (Long story)

So this might get a bit long but ultimately I want to know what you sane, prudent, moral CCWers think of this encounter i had over the weekend that led to a heated discussion between myself and another camper in my group.Over the weekend we camped in open National Forest land where some ranchers had cows grazing on the public land. We were camped at the head of a dirt T intersection for motor vehicles, but the head of the T was technically a continuation of the road but for horseback riders. There were firepits and signs that it was a regularly used camp site, so we camped there. 6 of us and a few dogs.In the morning a pair of cowboys (presumably a husband and wife) ride by on horses with their offleash Australian Shepherd dogs in tow and rode about 100 yards out of the way as not to disturb our camp. We waved, they waved back.In the evening they came back through the trail but this time we see them coming straight for our campsite so we grab our dogs by their collars as they ride by. My 8 month old retriever gets excited and barks, causing the other dogs in my group to bark, but their Aussies are unfazed and keep on going. Cowboy man says "how yall doing?" We exchange pleasantries and they ride off, we let go of our dogs.One camper in my group who was invited by someone else (it was my first time meeting him) is absolutely peeved that they rode through our camp but even more upset that the cowgirl (more like cowlady) was resting her hand on her revolver as they rode through.I didn't think anything of it because thats just a natural place to rest your hand while on horseback, they were just ranchers riding through, we were technically camped in their way, we were also camped near their homestead and livestock, we were a group of 6 strangers in the middle of nowhere with no cell service and no emergency services, and the list goes on. I had already internally deduced that they posed no threat to me so it didn't bother me one bit.The fellow camper on the other hand was adamant that she was threatening us and showed a clear willingness to shoot our dogs and us and this and that. Used expletives and pulled out the racist card (he himself is hapa, the rest of us are Asian). Then followed with a rant about asshole racist cops. This led to a pretty tense discussion that really changed the trajectory of our fun camping trip.Fwiw, I was carrying at the time and the fellow camper did not know I was carrying nor did he know I had an AR in the truck. One other camper (my friend) was also armed.Questions: was I wrong in being too lax about it? Is hand on pistol in this particular situation a threatening action? Do you think she really was willing to shoot our dogs? Were we assholes for camping there? Were they assholes for riding through? Other thoughts? via /r/CCW

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