Sunday, August 1, 2021

Not everyone should carry

Ok guys, admit it. We have all, at one time or another, seen someone so irresponsible we thought "They're too irresponsible to own a gun". Be it at the range or people trying to "alpha dog" someone in a conversation saying what they would have done "if they had a gun in that situation" first instance was yesterday.We live in a rough area in the city and the wife and I both carry. We pull in the (packed) gas station and turn off the engine. I start pumping gas, look around and immediately the alarm bells go off.The guy at the pump in front of us had his gun out. Mid 50's guy, probably from the suburbs, shifty and nervous, fidgeting like an addict looking for a fix and scanning the crowd while he pumped gas.And when I mean out, I mean gas pump in one hand and a hand gun in the other just dangling there at the end of his wrist freeballing in the wind.People were Unfortunately I had to pay inside. I go inside and the cashier had a laser focus on the guy, completely ignoring the customers inside. He was on the phone and had a loaded shotgun pointed in that guy's direction hidden under the counter.I guess the guy prepaid, because he put the pump back, reholstered then drove off. At that point, the cashier stood down. I told him to take a minute. He unloaded the weapon, took 5 then rang me up.As I was leaving the cops showed up.This guy was a fucking moron. Open carry or not, you don't do what he just did. That's a good way to end up deadThe police aren't there to protect you, they're there for crime scene cleanup. The cop shop was literally 5 minutes away and it took a good 15 for them to arrive. If he wanted to do something he could have, and made a get away too.This guy, waving a fucking loaded gun around because "It's muh rightz" had no idea he was 1 finger pull away from being dead or that he had 3 guns on him. Wife and I didn't pull ours but our reaction times are under 4 seconds so he effectively did.If his intention was to threaten "would be assailants" doesn't work. I mean he had no clue the danger he was in. He just broadcasted his situation to everyone and anyone who wanted to asail him anyway would have just pulled the old "fake going into the store" then come out and nail him from the back. The only people he scared away were unarmed law abiding citizens who weren't going to do shit to him anyway.Final thought: If you get a gun purely out of fear, and you don't have training....then the deadliest threat to your life is....yourself. via /r/CCW

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