Friday, February 19, 2021

My self-defense tips.

Hey, guys, and girls! I've been studying martial arts for a long time, and I've been thinking about how I can help you all -- but without teaching you martial arts.

So, here are my best self-defense tips that don't require martial arts knowledge:

  1. Exercise! Be in good shape. Even if you have zero combat knowledge, being fit is going to help you. Getting fit always raises your self-defense level. You don't have to make it complex either. Do some stretching, run, and do push-ups, and chin-ups, or pull-ups. Have some goals, too. Being able to run for 20 minutes straight, being able to do 20 push-ups in a row, and 10 pull-ups, or chin-ups is good.

  2. Watch people fighting. It's not to say that you should be copying them, but seeing how the human body moves, and what people do gives you an idea of combat. It helps you understand the elements of fighting, and what can, or cannot happen. Watch the street fools fight, and watch the professionals fight. Compare the two.

  3. You can temporarily neutralize someone by just pushing them. Step on their foot, and using your bodyweight, push them down. Then run! It need not be more complex on that. They'll be on their back, and as they get up, you use the time to make your escape.

  4. Always have an exit plan in mind. Some people do self-defense techniques, and stun their attackers, but then they stay on scene hoping for a conclusion. What happens is the attacker then clears the cobwebs, and comes back stronger. Nah, when you hit that person, and you got them in pain, it is time to run away to safety.

  5. Having good balance is important. Often people fall in fights, and that's when they get kicked in the face. So, practice balancing. Stand on one foot, and jump around a bit, and try not to fall. Keep your palms down, so you can put palms to the floor first, if you fall.

  6. If you fall down, onto your back, don't get up like you normally do. If you do that you're bringing your head closer to your attacker, and you'll get a kick or knee in the head. Either do a technical stand-up, or roll onto your belly, and then get up, and run away. This keeps your head away from your attacker.

  7. In combat sports, you see these people moving their heads around, and dodging punches like in the matrix. Well, that's probably not gonna be you. So, if you're getting punched, just block. Cover up. Use a cross arm guard. Looks like this, but obviously, you cover your head not your body, since most people are head hunters:

  8. Keep your hands up! Too many people keep their hands low when in combat. You want your hands up, and ready to do, and block strikes.

  9. Keep your mouth firmly closed, and have your chin tucked (i.e. down). Lots of people get knocked out, or jaws broken, because they have their mouths open, and loose, and their chin is up. You want your teeth touching your other teeth, and your chin tucked, even when you are falling to the ground. Do not have your head/chin, and mouth loose. Look at how a boxer holds his head. He also breathes through his nose, and his teeth would be together if he didn't have a mouthguard.

  10. If you are surrounded, the first thing you should do is break out of the circle (i.e. don't be surrounded). Push down the weakest character first, and break out of the circle (or maybe half circle), and run. You can't fight, or defend while surrounded. You must get out of the human barrier first.

  11. If someone has a knife, if you can't run away at the start, remember that (usually) the foot is longer than the arm. So, use your feet. Kick. Even a sloppy but heavy kick can help you. A front kick to the dick area may save your life. Kick it, and run.

  12. If you're in a place where you can't carry weapons, carry around a sports bottle (that can squirt) with soap, or spicy water in it. Someone attacks you, spray their eyes with the soapy, or spicy water. It will temporarily blind them, and then you can make your escape.

  13. Don't be afraid to make some noise, even if you're a dude. Scream, cry, shout, yell, etc. Sometimes it's enough to make someone leave. Either they don't want the attention, and/or your noise is jarring to them.

  14. Obviously, avoiding trouble is the best. Avoid going into shitty areas. Don't be in lonely places. Cross the street if you think someone, or some people look threatening. Go out when it's nice, and bright outside. Have company when available. Now, speaking about shitty areas. You might know how these look. The grass is way too long. There are broken windows, barred windows, graffiti, garbage on the ground, abandoned shopping carts, etc. Don't be in shitty areas. Or if you have to go into a shitty area, go through their fast.

  15. Have awareness, and pay attention to your surroundings. While walking around, don't have earbuds in your ears. They're a distraction, and it shows you're not paying attention, and that you have something to steal. If you see threatening/scary people, as mentioned before, cross the street. Or go in the other direction. Avoid 'em. Don't give a.f. that you offend them. Stay safe. If you need to look at your phone, do it in a safe area. Don't walk with your head down, going through an area with your eyes glued to a screen. It makes you a target.

  16. Predators look for people that look soft, and easy, and afraid, and lacking in confidence. Look confident. Have a strong posture. Walk like you know exactly where you are, and what you're doing. Dress modestly, and comfortably.

  17. How do you recognize that someone's dangerous? Judge 'em by the clothes they're wearing, and their facial expression. You think a guy in a business suit that's smiling with a gold watch on is gonna rob you? Probably not. Oh, and if someone has their hands in their pockets, and it's not cold... They might have a weapon. So, watch the hands.

  18. When you have to fight, be angry, don't be afraid, and hurt. Nobody has the right to take your things, and touch you like that. Be angry, and aggressive. Predators are bigger cowards than you think. Sometimes anger, and aggression is your friend. I'm not saying to be a fool with it, but if you MUST fight, then fight with anger, and high aggression.

  19. Criminals, and thugs sometimes come into your home (obviously). A home security system is not a bad investment. Or a big dog. If you can't have any of those, at the least make a habit of making sure all your doors, and windows are locked. Close the blinds for the night, keep your home well lit (with motion activated lights), etc.

  20. A stool, or chair is a good self-defense tool. Get a firm grip on it, and use it as a shield, and to jab.

  21. If someone wants to take you to another location, maybe they say get in their car, or go into another room at the back, you must try running away. They want to take you somewhere else because they want to kidnap or kill you.

  22. If someone is threatening you with a weapon, and you strongly think they are going to kill you soon, attack with a quick, and strong eye jab. Just thrust your fingers into their eyes, and run away. Eye poke them! It's simple, but it can hurt anyone. You use the eye jab when the threat is high, and you don't have time to get a weapon, or you don't have one.

  23. If someone is coming at you, charging, try side-stepping, i.e. going to the side. You know, like a matador, and bull.

  24. But most regular attacks, like punches or kicks, can be avoided by quickly moving backwards. Simply put, you are creating a gap between you, and the attacker, so they cannot reach you.

  25. Believe that you can win. And really use your strength, and energy. Don't give up. Giving up may mean losing your life. I know there's a chance you die (sorry), but it's better to die fighting than not fighting and dying. If you fight, if you gave them hell, at least you made that scumbag's life a little bit harder.

And this is the end! I hope my tips help someone! Good luck!

Submitted February 19, 2021 at 09:24AM by laptop3ds

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