Saturday, February 27, 2021

Latest bad gun advice- "Carry something cheaper so you don't lose your nice guns to evidence"

I keep seeing this all over the internet and I'd really like to change this recent trend in logic.​To begin with, I am not saying you need to spend thousands on a carry piece. What I am condoning is buying the highest quality you can afford in your budget while still getting adequate training regularly.​You need to carry the BEST option. "Well OP, the BEST option is highly opinionated you idiot" yeah no kidding. The best option for YOU. This includes all kinds of factors like: QC, shootability, availibility, ergos, and especially budget (plus more).​When it comes to defending my life and those of my loved ones, I want ALL of the cards in my deck. I want the best quality, most highly QC'd equipment that I perform the best with. Is that a Glock, Ruger, 1911/2011, S&W, hi-point, Beretta 92? That is going to depend entirely on your budget and preferences. There is no judgement here if you simply cannot afford anything more than a more "budget" minded option.​What I am warning you against is this; do not go out and buy a Ruger LCP to carry just cause you'd hate to lose your G19 you commonly train with and keep at home. You're possibly sacrificing reliability, capacity, cartridge effectiveness, marksmanship, and weapons efficiency/familiarity (mag change etc) all over the absolutely tiny possibility you will be without your favorite piece for a few months following an extremely life changing event.​In the end, all this logic may do is ensure your family gets your "cheap" gun back after you're already six feet under.​Side note: Same goes for worrying about the finish of your pistol getting banged up. A worn slide or otherwise is a badge of honor to wear from hard work and training. Wear that shit. (pun highly intended) via /r/CCW

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