Sunday, February 28, 2021

Almost Had to Draw - Thoughts/Advice?

Hey guys,​Last night I came incredibly close to drawing my weapon and it was a very uncomfortable situation. I went to eat at a restaurant with my brother, parents, aunt, and uncle. My brother brought his dog, so we ate outside as we have several times in the past.​A guy started walking around the parking lot with a ton of energy, shouting that he wanted to fight somebody so he could stab them. Given the energy levels, aggravation, confusion on what was a person vs a column, etc, I'm pretty sure he was either on an amphetamine, pcp, or bath salts. Because he was likely high and didn't fully understand his surroundings, when he came close the best option seemed to be to not talk or make eye contact. Basically just pretend that I was the chair that I was sitting in.​My aunt and uncle refused to move (they don't really believe anything bad could happen to them). My dad has developmental issues so my mom had to stay with him, and my brother had the dog so he couldn't go inside. So I stepped inside (so the guy couldn't hear me) and called the non-emergency hotline. I was on hold for about a minute, then talking with dispatch for about a minute. The whole time I was watching my family right outside and was right next to the door.​I went back outside and sat back down where I was before in case there was an escalation. The guy shouted at a couple that they should come over to him so he could bash their heads into the ground and stomp on them. Then he started pacing a bit before turning towards our table. He didn't seem to register that there were people (us) there. He walked between us and the column we were sitting beside and faked a punch at the air between the column and the back of my brothers head. This is where I nearly drew. The guy walked off about 15 feet, picked up a bottle, and smashed it on the ground. Then he went across the parking lot and walked down the sidewalk until I couldn't see him anymore. About 2 minutes later (maybe 5 total minutes since I pressed the call button for the police), 3 cop cars rolled into the area and started driving through every parking lot in the area.​During the whole thing-My aunt and uncle carried on conversation to make everything seem normalMy mom kept my dad from saying anything that might draw attention or provoke the guyMy brother kept his dog calm and helped me keep eyes on the guyI called the cops and stayed ready to draw​Do you guys have any suggestions on things I could have done differently? I would have loved to get everybody inside but that wasn't an option between my aunt/uncle and my brothers dog.Takeaways for me:I need to practice drawing from sitting more. I have practiced from the car where I have room to elevate my hips during the draw, but when I was at the restaurant I would not have had that luxury.I was carrying my more comfortable holster which just holds the gun. While 15+1 9mm normally seems okay to me, I was definitely wishing I had an extra mag just in case. I've heard a lot of stories about guys on stimulants that don't go down even if they are hit with a decent number of shots. While an extra mag might not have made a difference, I would have loved to have it (either in my other holster or at least in a pocket).Normally I face the door when I'm inside. In this case I had my back to the parking lot because I was last to sit down. I'm not sure if this was good or bad. Between my brother and myself we had eyes on the guy the whole time, and I'd rather be between him and my family than have that guy pass right behind my mom for instance.I called non-emergency because he had trouble telling who were people and who was actually a lightpost. He hadn't actually hit anybody or stay in anybodys face for more than 2 seconds. He didn't seem to have any weapons. I think non-emergency was better, but I'm not sure on this.​It took about 4 hours before I was finally able to calm down and decompress a bit. I'd love to hear your thoughts. via /r/CCW

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