Tuesday, February 23, 2021

My dad told me he doesn't trust me to carry

Recently I was discussing carrying with my dad and he told me that he thinks it's a bad idea and that I shouldn't do it. What should I do here? For context, I'll be getting my carry permit very soon.When I asked him why he said "I'm worried because I think you'll go looking for opportunities to shoot someone." He further elaborated that he thinks I "Have an obsession with it." These comments made me understandably very upset.You see, I don't have any violent tendencies at all. No anger issues either. My "pro gun" dad never really learned how to use guns, I'm the one who took matters into my own hands and got us all signed up for multiple training courses and classes. I setup private lessons with our instructor from church, I've always been incredibly anal about gun safety (I even forcefully disarmed my mom at the range after she flagged us with a live handgun multiple times and refused to listen to any of my warnings). I'm the one who initially taught him how to safely use a handgun (he'd only used rifles before). Despite all of this, he seems convinced that because I'm young I'll automatically look for opportunities to use my ccw.He also has argued multiple times with me over my holster. I've already procured an AIWB kydex holster with soft loops. It has proper retention, the trigger is completely covered, and the loops are very secure. He told me that I shouldn't use it because "You'll shoot your nuts off." He insists that it's not safe.He also gets mad at me when he finds my dry firing/practicing drawing in my room. He says "Don't have too much fun, it's a bad thing." I've argued that dry firing drills allow me to better operate my equipment safely and properly and builds muscle memory, which is critical in any self-defense scenario. He just shakes his head and says I have an obsession.I will sometimes go days without talking about it or practicing in any capacity. I honestly believe that I should practice more often, at least a few minutes of drawing and dry firing each day. This constitutes an "obsession" in his eyes, and makes him worry about me carrying.He's pro-gun and pro carrying, he just doesn't seem to trust me. What on Earth should I do? I'll carry either way, but it'll make him mad and cause lots of arguments no doubt via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/3dGT20s

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