Sunday, July 21, 2019

Telling someone about my CCW, well, "backfired"

I went on a date last week with a guy I'd been messaging for a while. We hit it off and chatted for a while, then made plans to do it again, hugged, and said goodbye. He felt the bulge under my shirt, but since we're both guys, I made the joke that I was "just happy to see him."The whole date, he was espousing conservative beliefs, which I tend to disagree with, but made me feel like he'd be down with gun-ownership. When I got home, he messaged me asking what was under my shirt, so I sent him a pic of my gun IWB. He was surprised but didn't seem too weirded out.Fast forward a week, I've essentially been soft-ghosted, as he's been dodging plans and whatnot. He finally came out with it: the gun was too weird, in his words "unnecessary," and he wasn't interested in hanging out again.In the past, I'd dated someone for like a month before I even started mentioning gun stuff to him, much less talk about carrying. I was, ahem, "disarmed" by this person's country-boy, southern, conservative vibes and decided to just go ahead and reveal.It goes to show that concealed carry is not normal to most people, and it is even shocking, alarming, or discomforting to many. Keep that shit concealed, everyone.TL/DR: don't reveal that you carry if you can ever avoid it. via /r/CCW

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