Friday, July 5, 2019

[Story] Less Than Lethal and the Mistakes I Made

Wanted to share a story and perhaps help someone else from my stupidity. Last night the family and I got home from fireworks and there were some kids in the open area behind my house setting off fireworks, no big deal because America. Put the kiddo to bed and settle down with the wife for the evening.Just past midnight the fireworks are still going off. I wake up and realize these kids have a tremendous fireworks budget. So I flicker my back porch light a couple of times as a “hey knock it off”. 12:30 am and they are still going. I decide to go outside and tell them to please shut it down, instead of calling the police non-emergency number. I figure they are the neighborhood kids and no sense spooking them with the cops, plus house values. I put on my shorts and shirt and go outside.Now I recently changed my daily carry to a p365. I hadn’t bought a WML for it yet because the holster options stink. What I have gotten into the habit recently is using the Stealthgear 180s on my belt. For those who don’t know, these are small nylon “pockets” you lace through your belt and you can carry additional items horizontally. I carry a small pocket knife, an Olight SR1 Baton light, and a small bottle of Sabre Red. When I went to bed that night, I did not unpack my “bat belt” because I was working from home the next morning and was going to put on the same shorts (don’t judge my life). I’m very thankful I put on those shorts because when I went outside I wasn’t carrying.I approached the 3 teens and said, “hey fellas, getting a little late, do you mind wrapping it up?” One responded, “we aren’t bothering anyone, fuck off”. I then realized these weren’t the neighborhood kids, and they were probably young adults in the 19/20 yo range. I stated, “Fine, I’ll just get the cops to tell you to leave.” One of the group then said, “ What did you say pussy?” And started advancing in my direction. At which point, I used my left hand to pull out my light and shined it directly in his face. I started backing up, and with my right hand I was trying to get my pepper spray out. The light was bright enough to stop the guy right in his tracks. I finally got out my pepper spray and moved the light to each of there faces. I said, “Look guys I don’t want any trouble. I tried talking to you guys with respect and didn’t call the cops first.” At this point I put 30-40 between me and the group. They didn’t advance any further and just called me names as I continued to back up away. I got to my house and eventually called the cops, not before they left.I made several mistakes here. 1-never should have went outside. Just call the cops anonymously and let them deal with it. 2-Shouldn’t have taken a direct out of and back to my house. Now they know which house is mine and I see some property damage in my future. 3-Shouldn’t have escalated the situation after I asked them to leave. Should have kept my mouth shut and fucked off like told me to.Things I did well. The bat belt was key, the light and pepper spray were there when I needed them. The bat belt will be with me from not on. Having a light outside of a WML is clutch. I shouldn’t have to brandish a firearm just to see.Things I don’t know, I probably should have taken my P365 with me. But I can go either way on it. I should probably switch from pepper spray to pepper gel as it has more range.Overall, I would give myself a C-/D+. Lots of mistakes on my end. Shouldn’t have put myself in that situation and the cost will probably the deductible when they come back to key my truck. Thankfully no one got hurt.TLDR; went outside partially armed to ask kids to leave. Almost got beat up, flashlight saved me. Truck gonna get keyed. via /r/CCW

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