Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Getting mugged at knife point

I don't have a CCW Permit yet but this scenario happened to my friend a little under a year ago.I was out at the park with my friends playing pokemon go (in a group of 4 including me). The sky was getting dark but we wanted to get a few more laps around the park before heading home. At one point while we were taking a break/ taking over a gym, we notice 3 teenagers went into the bushes and we just assumed that they were smoking some weed or whatever. When we started walking again, I along with one other friend (my passenger) notice that they were following us, but we didn't think twice about it as the park only have one main path. They followed us for a good 20-30 minutes up until then we decided to call it quit and go home.My passenger friend and I walked to our car while the other two friends walk towards their car at a different parking lot. The 3 teenagers initially followed me towards my car. My passengers told me to unlock the car from a distance away and get in the car quickly so I did and also pulled out and deploy a pocket knife just in case. but we entered, and locked the door before the could catch up and they left. I thought that they were going to their car at the same parking lot.The 3 teenagers instead caught up to the 2 unsuspecting friends and surround them. 1 of the teenagers pulled out a knife and brandish it demanding wallets. Then run off, taking all the cash out of the wallet and throwing the wallets away. My friends were able to call 911 after the 3 muggers ran away, and were caught after an hour of searching.If it was my passenger and I that was getting mugged instead and I or my passenger had a CCW, would we be justified for drawing it to try and get the muggers to back off or using it to keep us from being harmed? via /r/CCW

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