Monday, July 22, 2019

For Those Afraid to Carry One in the Chamber

I'm seeing a lot of "new" permit holders on here and a lot about whether to carry in the chamber or not. I have a confession to make. I carried condition 3 for the first THREE YEARS I carried. It wasn't out of fear of my gun being loaded; I wasn't well enough trained to realize that in an ambush, there is literally no time for extra steps. Luckily training taught me this and not a real life scenario. I just wanted to pass along some tips for people struggling with this.*Get a quality holster. No "one size fits all" BS. Spend some extra money on a rigid holster with good retention that covers the trigger COMPLETELY.With the magazine out and gun cleared, *try to pull the trigger through the holster. If you can somehow do this, throw the holster away. Immediately.*If you're working up to carrying with one in the chamber, that is fine. I'm not posting this to try to rush into it or call people idiots for not carrying with one in the pipe like a lot of people do. Just realize that in a stressful situation, you are increasing your draw time. If you're afraid of a ND, train more. Training is key. If you don't have access to a range at least weekly, get a laser cartridge and practice in the home.*More on laser training: train the draw and fire drill with the laser cartridge (making sure no live ammo is anywhere in the room) until you're 100% comfortable. Do it daily. Do it hundreds of times. Ask yourself if at any time during these drills you accidentally pulled the trigger. If you did, at any time, you need to train more before concealed carrying in the first place.That's my two cents. Thoughts? via /r/CCW

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