Friday, July 19, 2019

First encounter with LEO while carrying

I know this was something I was concerned about when I started carrying, so I thought I'd share.I was driving through the middle of nowhere on a 2-lane highway listening to music and to be honest, going rather fast. I came over a hill and Highway Patrol was hiding out. I saw him press his breaks to start his car as I passed and thought, "Oh, shit. He got me." I pulled to the slow lane, decreased speed to 65 (limit 75), pulled out my wallet, and placed it on the passenger seat. He pulled up behind me, flashed his lights, and I pulled over onto the shoulder.This was our conversation: LEO: Going pretty fast. In a hurry? OP: Ya, I was moving a bit faster than I should have. L: I clocked you at 92. Some kind of emergency? O: No. On my way back to see my family. Been gone for a few weeks. Just a bit excited to see them. Sorry about that. L: Well, I was going to tease you, but I guess I'd be going faster than normal too. L: Can I get license, registration, and insurance? I keep my registration and insurance in my visor. My CCW teacher had recommended this, so I handed him those and my license from my wallet. L: Any guns, knives, weapons, bombs... O: I have a gun on me, and a CCW. I start to pull my CCW from my wallet L: You don't need that here. I don't need to see it. I live in a constitutional carry state. L: Without reaching, where is you gun? O: above my front right pocket. L: Okay, rather than disarm you, I'm going to ask you to step out and come back to my car. I got out of the car and he had me stand by his tire well.At that point things became surprisingly friendly. He started asking what I do for a living, what gun I carry, and if I liked it. He mentioned he was on the market and asked if I'd compared what I carry to a Glock equivalent. He was a Fanboy. Then he complained about how his wife refuses to carry and how she hates the snap on a subcompact 9mm.After that, he explained my ticket, which he knocked down to a much lower speed, and told me to have a nice day.To me, the surprising part of this story was how boring and uneventful it was. I have my CCW instructor to thank for the tips on where to keep my information and to have my wallet in an open visible place before the officer approaches. I made an effort to always keep my hands visible and keep them away from my belt line at all times. This, and being respectful, seemed to put the officer at ease, and helped everything go smoothly. via /r/CCW

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