Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Domestic dispute, what would you do?

So I get somewhat inaccurate directions and end up in the wrong parking lot so I have to walk to the place I’m going in a relatively bad area. I hear some shouting and arguing around the corner of a gas station. I round the corner and see a man with his hand on the throat of a woman. It was pretty obviously a domestic dispute. They both see me, I’m 6’7” and weigh about 240 pounds, and the guy drops his hands and they both kind of watch me. I watch them back and they both kind of get back to arguing while they walk away. They leave and I finish my walk to the place I’m going. So what would you have done? I, of course, was carrying as I always do and I’m big so I could have handled him but still. I’m pleased with my decision but what would you do? via /r/CCW

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