Sunday, July 7, 2019

Detained for following the law

(Kind of a long one but a good one.)I get pulled over for speeding. Was going 76 in a 60, I know I’m stupid. Cop walks around to my window and asks for license and registration. I reach in my back pocket take out my wallet and hand him my license. I then proceed to tell him that I have a firearm in the glove compartment. (in my state it is 100% legal to have a loaded handgun in the glove compartment even without a CCL). He immediately looks panicked and asks if I have a concealed carry license. I am only 18 so I do not have mine yet. This is why I keep the handgun in the glove compartment because I know that it is 100% legal and I do not like having a loaded gun out and about in my car. I tell him that I do not have a CCL and he immediately asked me to step out of the car which I kindly comply and do. As I step out of the car I say in a very calm, non argumentative tone, “is there anything wrong with that?”He says “that’s concealed carry” I say “are you sure?” (Because I know it isn’t) to which he says “Yes, that’s considered concealed carry”He then put cuffs on me and frisks me. Then he puts me in the back of his squad car with the windows up on a 90° day with no AC. I am sweating my balls off in the back of that car for at 10 minutes while he’s digging around in my car looking for the gun and other stuff. When he gets back in the car, he puts the windows down (thank you, sir) runs the serial number on the gun, runs my ID, and all the car information, he gets out of the car and talks to the sheriffs deputy who has pulled in behind us on the side of the road. He is back there for another 30 minutes. When he returns to the squad car that I am in, he opens my door, jesters for me to step out and when I do he uncuffs me.He does not apologize for anything. He does not clarify anything. He does not tell me whether what I did was right or wrong (even though I know it was perfectly legal), he just tells me to keep it on the seat or dash from now on. I guess he and the other officer did a Google search real quick and found out they were wasting my and their own time. The other deputy also spoke to me and said “why not keep it unloaded and in the trunk and call it a day” which is ridiculous. I told them that I keep it loaded up front with me for self defense and they had no response. I understand that the original officer was concerned for his well being but I’ve been stopped with a gun in the car before.A few months ago I got stopped for expired tags and the cop walked up, asked for license and reg and I immediately told him there was a gun in the glove compartment. He said “okay, do you mind if I open the glove compartment and hold onto it for the duration of the stop?” I said “absolutely, sir, go ahead” and everything was fine.I wish more cops knew the law about this stuff. via /r/CCW

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