Monday, July 1, 2019

Considering Giving Up Carrying

So I’ve been carrying for the past 3 years and I’m now on the fence as to how I’d like to move forward. I live in a big city (Houston) and there’s a lot of petty theft via car break ins, home invasions in sketchy areas and armed robberies also in said sketchy areas. Basically the general crime that comes with living in a big city. What prompted me to start carrying was witnessing an armed robbery in a parking garage. Thankfully nobody was harmed but it certainly didn’t feel good to have a gun pointed at me. The reason why I’m considering giving it up, is first and foremost I feel like I’m always on alert now. Always scanning my surroundings and feeling on edge. I’d definitely say that I feel anxious, neurotic and insecure at times when not being armed. Additionally, I’m tired of always having a gun digging into me when I sit, move around etc. I’m kinda just thinking about saying F it and just throwing myself to the wolves. I’m single and don’t have a family to account for, so it’s only myself that I’m potentially putting in danger, with the exception of going on a date or hanging with friends. Long story short; has anyone else faced this fork in the road and what was your decision? via /r/CCW

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