Thursday, July 25, 2019

Best self defense equipment for somebody who isn't very strong?

I've been worried about this for a while as due to some unfortunate circumstances, my SO and I have an enemy or two in the town we live in. It's a relatively low crime area, but we specifically received threats from one of them, talking about how once their friend gets out of jail, it's over for us, or other things like that. We took that information to the police, and the threats have stopped coming for a long time now. However, I'm still nervous about it. The calm is causing some unease.

My SO is quite small and thin in stature due to some conditions. She can barely curl a 5 pound weight, so I'm scared for her in a situation like this. She is uncomfortable with a gun, and I won't always be around, so I'm trying to find some sort of way she can defend herself effectively.

I looked into stun guns, specifically the Sabre flashlight ones, and it sounds like they either don't work as well as they promise, or you have to be strong enough to jab it into them. I'm also afraid of her getting hurt by the stun gun herself.

The other one I looked at was pepper spray, but I found it difficult to find the right kind. They seem...deceptively cheap compared to other methods of self defense, and some of the "recommended best" around the internet have horrendous reviews, where the pepper spray barely even oozed out the end when they tested it.

What sort of self defense would you recommend for us? I'm comfortable with my concealed carry for now, but specifically for her? And how would I know where to find a good quality version of whatever that is?

Submitted July 25, 2019 at 02:49PM by Elarionus

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