Wednesday, June 5, 2019

I almost had to defend myself today.

I came perilously close to having to shoot someone today, or at least, far more close than I am comfortable with.I am an attorney. A client (not one assigned to me) came in all belligerent, demanding we explain paperwork our office sent him. The receptionist tried to tell him his assigned attorney was not here but we'd have him call the client once he was back in. The client just got more angry. He seemed to be on drugs, though we don't know that for sure.He called our receptionist (who is a sweet old lady) a bitch. That's about when my colleague came out to see what the hubbub was about. As he continued cursing at my colleagues and started to get louder, I came out of my office too once I heard the commotion. I tried to calm him down and let him know as soon as his assigned attorney was in, we'd make sure he gave him a call. At that point he started to walk towards my boss, the senior attorney of the firm (77yo), and fearing he'd get violent, myself and my coworker blocked his way and he tried to push through us. He then got up in our faces calling us "pieces of shit" and threatening to "fuck us up", like one inch from our faces, and he's a big buff dude so it was certainly a bit scary. He was pushing up against us still, but no more than some shoving, he was not yet trying to punch us or anything like that.At that point my hand was near my pocket (I pocket carry a G42 in a kydex pocket holster) with the other arm blocking him, I was ready to pull and shoot if if it came to that, as I was very worried he was about to start swinging punches. Thank god, he calmed down and backed off when he realized my boss was calling the cops. He cursed us out a few more times and finally left. The time from when I came out of my office to see what the commotion was to when he left lasted probably only 90 seconds, yet it felt so god damn long to me.The police took down the info from the phone, but said they weren't coming because he had already left. We are leaving the door locked the rest of the day.What was interesting to learn about myself was that in that moment, I was SCARED I would have to shoot him. I was imploring him, practically begging him, to calm down mostly because if he didn't and got violent, I would have had to possibly kill someone today and that is the last thing I wanted. The idea that most people with permits can't wait to be attacked so they can use their gun is such bullshit, at least if most people are like me (and I think I am a pretty normal guy overall). The moment he finally left was probably the biggest moment of relief I have ever felt in my life, because in addition to the situation being over, it ended without me having to shoot him.I was so glad I didn't have to use my gun. Yet at the same time, I am even more glad I had it, in case things did not turn out so peachy. It was a terrifying experience, I am still a bit shaky.I've only had the permit less than two months. Statistically, you could carry your whole life and probably never have to use it, especially in my relatively safe city of San Diego, and yet I came closer than I ever would have liked so soon after getting my permit.I am open to comments/criticism. Please tell me if I did anything wrong so I can correct going forward.One question I did have was whether, in that moment when I was most terrified he was about to turn violent when he was in our faces yelling profanities, should I have told him to back off because I was armed? The thought crossed my mind, but I was worried it could backfire and instead of making him back off, it could have escalated the dangerous situation. So instead, I did my best to try and calmly get him to leave, without telling him I was armed. I think it was the right call not to announce I was carrying, but if anyone thinks otherwise, I'd love the input.I may edit this as I remember more about the event, my mind is all jumbled from the slight adrenaline rush I got. via /r/CCW

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