Thursday, June 6, 2019

How many conceal carry medical gear?

Hi everyone. New poster. I'm Kai. In terms of CCW culture, we rightfully focus on weapons and how we carry them. But strictly on the subject of saving lives, how many of you guys and gals carry medical gear on your person? Or would? I mean for personal use more so than having a trauma bag with you at all times. Something that can stop bleeding and seal up holes until first responders can get there.With the recent shooting in VB (our town), my company has been trying to make people more aware of ways we can carry med gear easily and discreetly. The industry standard is usually an ankle kit that houses a tourniquet, gauze, hemastatic agents, and other things. Our company is currently reviewing two products I thought you guys might want to see.Quick Disclaimer: While we do sell defensive items (and soon to be some medical items too), we dont sell these.The cheaper option is the Rescue Essentials ankle kit. A lot of people use this one because it is affordable and available. a more unknown one is the Frop.Pro SFD Responder Ankle Kit. UK made so less known. from our companies use both but the Frogpro is the one we just finished reviewing. You can see our review of it here. do you guys think? Is medical gear in this form factor something you would carry? For accidents, injuries or even god forbid, another shooting incident? We definitely think it is important but want to know your thoughts. via /r/CCW

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