Saturday, June 22, 2019

First experience with LE with CCW went......GREAT! [LE Encounter]

TL;DR at bottomDisclaimerBack when I took my course for CCW (in MN, currently live in FL) I was taught to pull over, turn the car off, put my hands on the steering wheel with fingers stretched to the dash, regardless of where the firearm is located.StoryMy mother, kids, and I went to the beach today, and on our way home, I drove, she had a bit to drink and doesn't like driving on I-75. About 5 whole minutes away from home, we get stuck behind a jackass that is on her phone, swerving, speeding up, slamming on brakes, turning on hazards, etc. Well I couldn't pass her because we were on a two lane road. Once the road finally opened up to a 4 lane road I sped up. So as I get around her, I see the cop, slam on my brakes, he cuts his wheel and starts turning out. I continue on my brakes even more and hit the next side street, turned off my car, rolled my windows down, put my hands on the wheel, fingers stretched to the desk, and then told my mom to put her hands on the dash and spread her fingers...She starts laughing hysterical asking "SERIOUSLY!?" I explain to her "YES, seriously."...The officer comes to my car, explains to me that he pulled me over for speeding and clocked me doing 79 on a 50! Ouch! Before I answered any of his questions I informed him that I do have a firearm in the car and that it is in the glove box. He tells me, "Ok, just don't reach for it and we're all good." I got my License, my mother got hers, he asked me why I was speeding. I informed him of the jackass that I was trying to get by and he noticed her as well, but unfortunately I was first in line...He takes our IDs, goes to his vehicle, returns 2-3 minutes later with a warning, telling me, "Because you were honest in the beginning and your story aligns with what I witnessed, here is your warning."Lesson 1 of the day, don't be a jackass trying to get around a jackass...Lesson 2, be honest with ANY LE officer about a firearm in your being...Lesson 3, BE STERN with those in your car and INSIST they do as you say when you have a firearm in the same vicinity as them!TL;DR Got pulled over for doing 79 on a 50, was honest about carrying in my glove box, got off with a warning because I was honest in the beginning.edit: formatting via /r/CCW

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