Monday, June 3, 2019

Changed my mind on carry

Background: I have my permit and usually try and carry as much as possible; however, my extended family and workplace are very intolerant of guns, so I don't bring any guns to work. My thought has been that my work already has armed guards and I drive straight there and straight back. What are the chances of running into a defensive scenario? I also keep everything locked away when family visits so I don't get berated constantly. To clarify, the extended family are all grown adults.Today, on my way to work, the driver of the car behind me gets furious at a stop light. Screaming at the driver next to him. A level of road rage I've never seen. I can't see the second driver in my mirror, but it seems like he's not really yelling back. After about 10 seconds driver#1 opens his door, starts to get out, and places his hand as if he were getting ready to draw. At that exact moment the light turned green and he thought better of whatever he was planning on doing. He got back in his car and turned off into a gas station. Driver#2 continued away down the road.I've now changed my mind on the "most of the time" carry. I still probably won't carry inside my work building due to the existing security, but I'm damn well going to have something in the car. And my adult family can deal with their political views on their own. I can't imagine if that happened to me with my family in the car. via /r/CCW

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