Wednesday, October 17, 2018

This happened and I failed

So this morning I went to pump gas. It's a local station not far from my house. I went in to pay and there was a guy walking around that hit every red flag. He was clearly on something and asking everyone in the parking lot for a phone. As I approached the store I noticed his two buddies waiting.I realized I left my wallet in my truck. I went back out and tried to retrieve it through the passenger side. He followed me to my truck and as I leaned in he pinned me in the truck. My arm was positioned I couldn't reach my knife or my gun which was not on me. Another customer distracted him and I was able to get free.I had let my guard completely down. I was not prepared for anything. I'm shocked and embarrassed. I'm fine so obviously good outcome, but he could have done harm and I left myself open. How can I get better at this? via /r/CCW

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