Monday, October 15, 2018

Personal choices and you

Just spitballin' here but it seems like a fair number of folks on this subreddit would best be served by avoidance (ie, avoiding stupid people, places, and things) rather than deciding to partake anyway but carry a gun "just in case". To me, wouldn't it make sense to not try to increase the risk to your safety? I dont mean spur of the moment things but rather by making better long term decisions.Let me give you an example. A US college student made a comment on here that his school "has a history of violence" and that's why he carried. OK, great. You should be proactive in your safety. But why would you volantarily go to a violent school? No one is forcing you to be there. Wouldn't it make sense to go to a college that does NOT have a history of violence and carry also?Another example: guy comments he carries a gun because MULTIPLE strangers have approached him in public over time, sight unseen, and threatened to kill him. Let's assume it's actually true. Wouldn't that be a big red warning sign that maybe you should live elsewhere? Anybody else ever experience that? Exactly. It's not normal. A gun isnt a solution.There was also that guy that kept running into his girlfriend's ex whenever he was in her town and the ex would threaten violence. Maybe hang out somewhere else?I get that some people might be in bad circumstances due to luck or it's a temporary thing, money issue etc. I wont fault someone for that. But it seems like a few folks on here would be better served by thinking critically first and then getting a gun second. You should carry not because your neighbor for the past 10 years is a violent skinhead who hates you and knows your daily schedule but because you might randomly run into same knucklehead while driving and he wants to "chat" at the next light.Anyway, I'm rambling. Maybe I am not perceiving things correctly? via /r/CCW

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