Friday, October 5, 2018

Can I pick your brain? I'm a Exhibitor at a CCW Tradeshow.

So I make and sell bullet jewelry but truly I grew up in the hunting side of gun culture.I will be exhibiting at a CCW tradeshow and I'm at a loss at how to present my product as it's a very different environment than the Outdoor Sportsman type of shows I normally do.When I do small gun shows, I dress up and have a very jewelry store looking booth (black velvet displays etc) . It stands out. I don't want to look pretentious but I do want to look professional as I would like to get a few more retail contracts. I was thinking a nice dress for me and a suit for my husband so we look professional and can show off the jewelry, tie tack/ lapel pins etc. Would be too much? I want to be approachable. I'm afraid everyone else will be in casual tactical style clothes and I will be overdone. The only other trade show I've done was for my previous job in Hospitality supplies and we all dressed to the 9's for that one.I know this may not be the best sub, but I thought I'd ask.P.S. I do have a CCW and have a vintage .32 Police Positive as my daily carry. So any holster suggestions that work with a dress are also very appreciated. via /r/CCW

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