Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Best Less Lethal Self Defense Tool?

What’s everyone’s opinion on the best less lethal self defense tool for the ordinary citizen?I’m leaning towards pepper spray. Gives you distance, multiple shots, less chance of failure, area of effect, minimal accuracy needed.The ranged tasers… they have such a high failure rate… And they’re only good against one attacker. The contact tasers do have multiple shots, but they require the contact. Tasers also have quite the price tag.Any sort of blunt instruments such as a baton or even fists also requires getting in close, requires practiced skills, and has limited effectiveness against multiple attackers.Why less lethal? Multiple reasons. The primary reason is for having another tool on the toolbelt to deal with potential threats where they are a legitimate threat but lethal force in self defense is not yet justified. As defenders, we cannot escalate, we can only respond in kind. It’s also a valuable point of discussion for people who live in restricted states, who aren’t old enough for a CCW, or who have to go in and out of locations where conceal carry is not allowed.tldr: I think pepper spray is likely the best tool for less lethal self defense and am curious about the opinion of others. via /r/CCW

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