Monday, October 15, 2018

[Advice] Filing a police report and refusal from police to file.

Throwaway for anonymity as this is a current and recent issue.A relative of mine who has a CCW permit walks their dog around the neighborhood and is also apart of a social media group for people living within said neighborhood. Individuals on this group have their name and street (not address) listed, but needless to say enough info to find an exact address out if determined is given. It is important to note that my relative does not have a profile picture.One of the other members on this group has a dog who often escapes. The dogs are friendly and no danger to anyone other than having no regard for traffic, however, the owner of these dogs is always posting about their dogs escaping and asking people to keep an eye out and return them... this is a recurring issue.Recently it happened again, and my relative replied with no malice intended "sounds like they need a new fence". The owner became upset at this and another commenter who had also replied, and began ranting and replied to my relative saying "be ware", the owner later private messaged my relative asking for relative's full name and address, to which my relative replied that such info is not needed to be shared especially given the fact that the owner had implied a threat when they said "be ware".My relative has since seen the owner walking up and down the neighborhood (by themself without even the non-missing dog). The owner had even confronted my relative (who they likely didn't recognize as the one they threatened because of the lack of a profile picture) who was walking their dog, and said that they "know but don't have proof" that the dog was stolen by the other commenter and sold out of state.The other commenter had prior to this incident of the dog going missing, found the dog and returned the dog, and with the police's permission entered the unlocked house to secure the dog inside.My relative does not want to file a police report for the threat "be ware" because they feel the police won't do anything due to a past incident and report request being denied when they were physically attacked and verbally assaulted by another couple in the neighborhood and their dog.However, they have expressed fear of walking the neighborhood with this crazy neighbor.I suggested they try and file a report anyways, and to have the officers sign a paper stating their refusal to file if they do indeed refuse so at the very least a paper trail is available in the event something does happen; is this a good idea/something that's done? How should such a document be worded? via /r/CCW

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