Thursday, September 20, 2018

Seeking advice for CCW regarding mental health

Hello everyone I hope my post is allowed but I am seeking advice on what to do regarding my CCW application.I live in california and I made an appointment exactly one year ago and finally have my CCW interview next month. Being that my county sherrif is a may issue they ask more qurstions than most. The application asks if I have ever been treated for mental health, if I have ever had an addiction to any substance including alcohol, and if I have ever been under the care of a psychiatrist.I have never been to 5150 but I have seen a psychiatrist because i dont have anyone else to really go to for my problems and I figure since I work so much on graveyard shift and i am also a fulltime student things kinda build up and i dont take care of myself. Needless to say the psychiatrist is quick to say im depressed and im an alcoholic and prescribe me a bunch of meds(which I am not taking) and encouraged me to go to group counseling. I recently stopped going to see the psychiatrist and am just taking better care of my self.My concern is my CCW application asks alot about this, I do not want to lie and have them pull this info up, but also dont want to admit it when i feel it was blown out of proportion and give them reason to dig around. Should I just cancel my appointment and give it time before scheduling it again? I know I should call my LEA and ask them but I also dont want to admit everything and throw any red flags and give the detective a reason to deny me before I even submit my application. Everyone I asks keeps telling me to lie because my medical records are private but im pretty sure law enforcement can access them for investigative purposes. via /r/CCW

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