Sunday, September 23, 2018

Not all non violent people with guns are good guys

With my ccw, I'm raise and dedicated to having to use it being a true last resort. Dont start shit yourself so you have the opportunity to use it.Well my mother in law came in to visit my newborn son a few days ago and brought her boyfriend which I already dont like (huge, huge, huge god complex). I know he has some experience in law enforcement but I dont want to ask him about it. Well somehow he got to talking about how he was in a bad part of a major city and was in a store in the hood and heard a bunch of African American guys call him a cracker and stuff. Well apparently he was leaving and got in his car and before he pulled away, called them the n word. Apparently they drew knives and started walking toward his car. He got out and drew his gun and they started running, apparently with a smile on his face the whole time. I told him that's not why I carry and he asked me what a better option would have been, and I said to drive off with my mouth shut.These kind of people are evil, Law enforcement experience or not, and should not be allowed to carry. They are what gives us a bad name.Sorry, just a rant. via /r/CCW

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