Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Had someone follow me home yesterday. It's time to carry.

Quick story/rant and I need some suggestionsYesterday I was out with my wife and our newborn leaving from his 1st drs appointment when there was someone sitting at a green light I sat behind him for a few seconds and then gave him a quick tap on the horn (didnt lay on it at all). The guy still sits there at the light just talking on his phone. I honk again still no movement. At this point the light turns yellow so I go around the guys car and when I passed him I hear him yell something out the window. I ignore it and proceeded to go home. When I get home I see the driver from the intersection park about 3 car lengths in front. I realise its him right away and that he had followed us home. I tell my wife to take our baby inside. By the time she makes it to the porch, the guy is outside his car and approaching me screaming and obviously trying to fight. I yell to my wife to let the dogs out (two pit bulls that are sweethearts but protective). By this time I am extremely pissed off and I start yelling back (didnt help the situation but I am human). The guy then starts approaching me again and is about 10 ft away and I tell him if he gets any closer I will let these dogs out and they will "eat his ass up". The threat works and he keeps talking shit but is leaving. I snap a picture of his license plate and he drives off.I am a new husband, homeowner and a new dad and the realization that I have things to protect at all costs really hit me and I havent stopped thinking about it since.I think its time to start carrying to protect my family and community.This situation I would have not pulled a firearm on the guy but I would have loved to have had one on me just in case things esculated past that which it could have easily.I live in St Louis MO which I know is a constitutional state to carry. I just dont know where start beyond that. I am familiar with rifles and have fired on many occasions but dont know anything about pistols.Any suggestions on a light pistol/holster that is newb friendly? And a recommended place in my area to fire and familiarise myself with it?Thanks for the help and thanks for reading. via /r/CCW

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