Sunday, September 9, 2018

Commotion outside house, grabbed unloaded gun.

Just an I'm a idiot, don't be me post. Heard tires screeching and a car peeling out of here. Muted the t.v. and heard pounding noises, lots of screaming. Some young guy outside beating on a car and walking up and down the street yelling. Had no intention of opening my door or confronting him, but I ran upstairs and grabbed the first gun I could think of. It wasn't my carry and I didn't bother checking magazine or chamber. I noticed there were a lot of people outside at this time and the father of the kid (I'm assuming) was convincing people not to call the cops because he was only hitting his own car. Long story short when this was over only then did I notice it had an empty magazine. I'm one of those "my guns are always loaded guys", but that'll bite you in the ass for not taking two seconds to check. I can't believe I didn't check. Don't be me. via /r/CCW

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