Saturday, March 31, 2018

Why does everyone talk shit about shoulder holsters?

I keep hearing people say that they’re impractical or obsolete. I’ve been wearing my Glock 43 in a shoulder holster recently and I love it; it doesn’t dig into your hip while you’re driving, you can easily reach your pistol while sitting, and your pistol is completely in your control while pooping in public restrooms. What’s not to love? via /r/CCW

S&W Shield 9MM no thumb safety, GCode INCOG. via /r/CCW

Looking for holster recommendation: SD9 with Streamlight TLR1S

I've been browsing around for holsters that would accommodate my SD9 and mounted streamlight. I have seen a few different ones online but I'm wondering if anyone has first-hand experience with any holsters that accommodate a pistol with light. I'm trying to imagine an IWB holster that would work but that seems unrealistic given the bulk of the setup.OWB is fine as open carry is legal here, I just don't like to broadcast that I'm carrying. I walk my dog at night so chances are that no one would see it anyway, we tend to be the only ones out after 10 p.m. Anybody have one they like? via /r/CCW

Continuing the TX LTC parade today. via /r/CCW

New to ccw. The greatest responsibility a father can have. So great full to be able to protect my family. via /r/CCW

Woods Gun for Trail Running?

I just started working out a few months ago, specifically trail running. I struggled to find a CCW and holster system that didn’t feel too cumbersome.These are well populated and maintained trails in the Adirondacks in NY. Biggest animals would be black bears, but in the years of hiking and camping in the area I’ve only seen one. And I saw him at a distance, while I was quietly camping alone at dusk. Now my with my fatass flopping and running through the woods, I doubt I’m sneaking up on anything.But, as with anyone with a CCW I wanted to be prepared for the worst. I started carrying my J-Frame, a smith 360 in 357. Sure it’s just under 2in barrel, but I still feel like it’s better then a SC 9mm. I tried belly bands, fanny packs, and an ankle rig before I settled on a remora holster with an ulti-clip, loaded with Underwood Extreme Penetrators.I carry my license, a waterproof matchbook, and my car key behind my iPhone in an arm band. I also have an emergency blanket, streamlight micro steam, a tiny Gerber knife and a life straw in one pocket, speed loader in the other. I wear a paracord bracelet and wireless earbuds. Very lightweight, and I feel adequately prepared for a few miles in the woods.So what’s your setup for working out, specifically with trail running if anyone’s into that. For an overnight or even a lengthy day hike I’ll take my 44. But for a quick workout, I can’t be bothered to carry much more then this. via /r/CCW

My new holster isn’t as secure as I’d like

So I have a brand new Aegis Armory holster for my Glock 26. The Kydex is just a tiny bit too big. The Glock just kind of slides in there is no click when it’s in place. If it is upside down it will fall out. Is this a problem. I’ve been carry it for two days and didn’t notice it was this loose until now. via /r/CCW

USCCA Tour Photo Album via /r/CCW

Finally got my permit, purchased my first handgun today, will be able to pick it up Monday (NY)

Like the title says, got my ny permit yesterday, between then and now I went to a few shops, handled a lot of guns. I decided on a gently used CZ P01. Because of NY I wasn’t able to take the gun home with me, instesd only proof of purchase that I need to bring to my local clerk on Monday to get it added to my license. Then I’ll head over to the shop to take possession of my new baby! I’m planning on some upgrades to it in the future but for now I’ll leave it mostly as is. Fist thing im doing is getting some slimmer grips (cocobolo looks nice) and then probably the tfx sights. I also need holster recommendations! If anyone carries one of these compact czs I’d be happy to hear what you have to say as far as good and bad holsters! Expect photos Monday. via /r/CCW

Question about dara holsters

Ordered a quick ship AIWB holster with a wedge for my shield from dara a couple weeks ago and received it today but I opened the box and it was just a plain holster with nothing extra, no wedge. And now when I look on the site the one I ordered is gone. So I'm wondering if it was a mistake or they discontinued selling it and my order slipped through. Anyone else ever order a holster with a wedge from them? Really bummed out because I wasted 60 bucks on a holster that is pretty much what I have now. via /r/CCW

If money was no object belt....

Needing a gun belt and want to know the best cry once kind of purchase would be? Use a HK p30sk w/ 15 rnd mag at 3:30 position IWB in a vedder holster and a claw if that makes a difference. via /r/CCW

Is Pennsylvania Next? via /r/CCW

Get a Grip - Biomechanics and Technique

I was able to play golf yesterday for the first time in weeks and was reminded of the importance of grip and stance both in golf and pistol shooting.I became a student of bio-mechanics (i.e. how the joints control movement) after I retired and started seriously working on improving my game. I read and researched and did a lot of experimentation and in the process rediscovered some of things that made guys like Iron Byron Nelson and Ben Hogan as repeatable in their swings as a robot.The technique in common between precisely controlling the position and face angle of a golf club and keeping the sights of pistol aligned on target during a string of shots is a stable arm-shoulder triangle and the way to create it is with counter-torque between the two forearms. To get an idea of what that is just grab a wet rag in both hands and wring it out. Feel the tightness in the forearms and how to locks up the elbows and makes the arms into a solid "lever arm."In a golf swing that counter tension is what prevents the impact of the ball from causing the elbows and arms from deflecting randomly which changes the face angle randomly making where each shot will go a mystery. When shooting in a two hand grip it helps prevent the barrel from yawing up and sideways in response to recoil. The sight picture will still jerk off the target to some degree but the relationship of the sight axis to the arms isn't affect as much so it is easier and faster to re-acquire the target.Here's a drill to get that feel with a gun. Before being jumped on for suggesting this is something you should do in an actual self-defense situation I repeat THIS IS JUST A DRILL.Put unloaded gun on table. Put both arms out, elbows down, palms facing up.Without changing the position of right elbow (pointing down) rotate right forearm 180° until palm faces down. Grab grip of gun with right hand keeping it palm down.Keeping the gun sideways.... Yes I know this is Gangsta but humor me... move it into your left hand which is palm up and form your normal two-hand grip.Now, finally bring the gun up to eye vertically, rotating it 90° into the normal upright postion.How do your forearms feel? How about the stability of your arm-shoulder triangle. You should feel the same as when wringing out the rag. Arms like steel rods instead of wet spaghetti.Now try it drawing from your holster twisting the gun to the left until it is flat or even angled down a bit BEFORE adding your left hand to it. Then after the grip is in place then rotate it the same 90° back to the normal shooting position. Hmm... maybe the Gangstas were on to something without realizing it. It doesn't slow down the draw any, but makes the arm triangle far more stable and bio-mechanically repeatable — something important if forced to point-shoot before being able to get a perfect sight picture.For golfers...Because the golf swing is left arm dominant do this:Same starting position arms out, elbows down, palms up.Place golf grip into palm up left hand and establish grip.Rotate right arm 180° palm down and place over left and grip.Swing club 90° and down into normal vertical address position.You'll feel the same stabilizing counter-torque in the arm. In the golf swing that elbow down start position will also set-up the right arm to bend and return straight very predictably and consistently. Because the arm triangle is firmer there is less loss of force at impact and you should see an improvement in ball compression and distance to the point where impact will even sound crisper — click vs. clunk. via /r/CCW

My LTC finally came in via /r/CCW

(Rant) Is it just me or are these states passing legislation suspiciously fast?

I'm not a particular expert on the specifics of legislation and it's processes, much less for these different and separate states, but does it not seem to anyone else suspicious, if not egregious, just how quickly these firearm laws are being passed?In the first place, is it really possible for state legislators to pass these measures legally this quickly?In the second, why are constituencies allowing this?To me it seems that any government that can pass such legislation outright violating and effectively enslaving the citizenry to the whims of a government in such a short-minded way is borderline tyrannical if not blatantly.I know that government's slow movement is more often than not frustrating if not infuriating to most people. However I would say when properly executed governmental and legislative processes should not be subject to such emotional and frankly forgetful mindsets.In just a few short weeks these states have literally enslaved the formerly law abiding populace aged 18 to 21 for having the audacity to exercise their innate human right of defending themselves to the best of their ability with a firearm. They are now made subjects to the whim of these state legislators, and at the mercy of those who have no regard for the law. They're also at the mercy of criminals who care nothing for the law.The innate liberty of legal citizens should not be so callously and quickly abolished simply because politicians are pressured by a hysterical media and elitists seizing a crisis to further enslave the populace. via /r/CCW

Texas lawshield vs USCCA?

How many of you have one or the other and what’s yours experience? via /r/CCW

Fuck Maryland

As a resident of Georgia, for years I had to disarm myself when passing through south Carolina. "Fuck SC" was my motto. Suddenly, reciprocity. You cool, SC.Now I'm at a hotel in Maryland armed with an empty holster. My primary method of self defense is 12 hours away...but I have to submit to a state cop check point? "Not for nothing, ya bastards, but I'm carrying an empty holster, because your state has terrible laws.I'm not a threat to you. I'm a threat to people who threaten you. via /r/CCW

well, got robbed last night.

As the title says, we got hit last night. Someone e came up our back porch and totally cleared out all of our patio furniture, about 800$ worth of stuff. Also took some lawn statues from the front yard. Really pissed, the patio is right under our bedroom and we slept with the windows open, no idea how they didnt wake us or the dogs up.A day before that a bunch of neighbors cars got broken into. Never heard of any problems before then, kinda bummed out. Like most people we dont have alot of money to go and drop another 800 on lawn furniture so I'm thinking of taking this as a opportunity to make my own so we can still enjoy our patio this summer.Going to continue to carry at home and while i take the dogs the dogs out back. via /r/CCW

Thoughts on a Springfield XDs 45 as a daily carry?

Hey there, at my local gun shop I came across a decently priced used XDs for sale. I've been looking for something to carry when I eventually get my ccw. Is this a good option? Are there things I should look out for? I'm aware that there was a recall for the first run of these guns, but this is the second iteration of it. I know a lot of things come down to personal choice, but I'd like to hear from anyone who has had experience with it.Thank you for reading. via /r/CCW

Help Me Decide Which Pistol

So I thought I was dead set on a USPC, until I went and rented a few guns today - and the USP was by far the worst to shoot with my gloves on.I ride a motorcycle as my only form of transportation. Open carry is legal in my state, and most the time, once I arrive at work or other destinations, I go in and change out of my riding pants. So what I'm looking for is a gun that I can open carry while on the bike, and then transition to concealed carry once I arrive. It does, however, also have to be fully operable with my riding gloves on.After shooting a few, I narrowed it down to two pistols:CZ P10CFN FNX-9Both pistols were fully operable, shot great, and felt good. I'm personally a fan of DA/SA, and the FN did seem a little better put together. Notably because the P10C had some funky little thing where the slide assembly bumped to the right slightly on trigger reset. Not a big deal, but irked me some. I am, however, a fan of the P10's low price and even lower bore axis. The difference in price is only $40, so not enough for me to have it as a deciding factor, but it's a factor nonetheless. The holster for the FN is $10 more, however it is suede lined (Sarifland only offers their 6000 series, not the 7000 series as I can get with the CZ), so not quite as optimal in all the weather conditions that I ride in.Which, really, is my biggest concern at this point. Both pistols shot and felt great. Both have minor quirks that I'm sure I'd get used to quite quickly. What I'm not sure on, and rarely see mention of, is firearms finish. Which pistol is likely going to last longer when it's on a bike every single day, rain or shine? Is there anything else that puts one of these pistols above the other for open and/or concealed carry?TIA via /r/CCW

Friday, March 30, 2018

Anyone have these mag extensions? via /r/CCW

Vermont passes S. 55 - Bans High Capacity Magazines, Bump Stocks, and Raises Gun Purchase Age via /r/CCW

StealthGear Holster - No Washers On Clips

I bought a new StealthGear Venticore for my PPQ since I love the one my Shield rides in, but the rubber washers on the clips are an absolute pain to try and attach the clips to their housing. Does anyone carry without the washers in the clip? And if so, have you had any ill effects? via /r/CCW

Decided on first CCW

After a few weeks of going back and forth and trying to decide what I wanted for my first concealed carry weapon I went today and put a S&W M&P 9mm on layaway and will pick it up in 2 weeks when I get paid next. Snagged it for $380 via /r/CCW

Are brass knuckles and switch blades legal in TX? I keep hearing conflicting things.

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Submitted March 30, 2018 at 03:13PM by tildodildo

Yet more proof that compliance does not guarantee safety - even when the criminals don't want to murder someone via /r/CCW

ASP Extra: Urban Carry Part 2. "I'm Ron Burgundy?" via /r/CCW

Carrying at home in a rural area.

Do those of you who live in a rural/secluded area still carry at home? Or do you think having them laying around is enough? via /r/CCW

Washington Resident permit has been pending for 34 days

I'm a Washington resident and applied for a permit with the Sheriff. It has now been 34 days, I called them and politely asked what the status was and they said it's still in process and they'll have it to me sometime next week. If you don't know, in Washington they are required by law to have it done by 30 days: Though the law doesn't specify any kind of penalty against them or an overseeing authority.I've been looking for who I am supposed to complain to, and I can't seem to find it, who is it that I need call up and (ever so politely) bitch to about it? via /r/CCW

FNs9 or FNs9c?

I think I have my mind set on the FN for carry, just cause I like the idea of a double stack so I dont need to carry a spare mag. I was able to get a feel for the gun at about 4 o' clock and it doesnt print at all. Problem is the grip is slightly too long for appendix carry, so I wondered if the compact version might be worth it for the versatility. Thoughts? via /r/CCW

RMR Question?

So I’m a bit confused here so help me out. When you have an RMR with co witness sights, are you not just putting a piece of glass between the sights and projecting a red dot in the front sight post where a red dot usually already is? I’m failing to understand why this is better than just having blacked out rear irons with a big red dot as a front sight? via /r/CCW

Freedom Friday - Weekly off-topic thread. March 30, 2018

Welcome to our "Freedom Friday" thread. Here, you can post anything that is related to firearms or other weapons(knives, etc.). Posts do not need to be self-defense related. We'll be monitoring these threads and making adjustments to our content rules as necessary. via /r/CCW

Thursday, March 29, 2018

New Nightstand / Baggy Clothes Carry! via /r/CCW

Robert Mercer got a nationwide CCW permit by volunteering to be a police officer in a small NM town. via /r/CCW

Glock 19 Gen 5 and a Cooper Custom Kydex Dual Layer IWB Holster via /r/CCW

Finally got my CPL! via /r/CCW

If you have to use force in self defense, is it ever appropriate to administer first aid to your would be attacker?

When I see attacks that require near lethal force, I never see the defender administer first aid to them, even police are prohibited from doing this in some places. If I ever had to discharge my firearm to stop a threat, or they had a seizure from being hit in the head, etc: I would be tempted to administer first aid to them if they just tried to rob me at gun point or something. I can't help feel sorry for any hurting living thing, even plants at times. Armed robbers do not deserve to die, I have known some that turned out to be good people. I know this is downright foolish, because they could get revenge. What do you think?

Submitted March 29, 2018 at 12:20PM by thewindandrain

Strangest question; How do you handle a one night stand or sex on the first date?

Assuming your concealing. Do you tell before you undress? Or do you leave it in the car if you are at her/his place? Has anyone have a story that this exact situation has happened.Got the idea after a friend told me he brought a girl home from the club one night and she freaked out when she saw a gun in his nightstand after the hooked up and he turned on the lights. via /r/CCW

Just moved to Georgia from Illinois and looking to get permit.

As the title states, I just recently moved from Illinois to Georgia and want to get my cc. My license is still based in Illinois. Do I get a Illinois CC or Georgia CC since this is where I'll be living? via /r/CCW

When trying to decide on a carry weapon. via /r/CCW

Should I put my rear sight in front or behind my RMR for an IWB CCW or strong side OC?

I'm getting a Glock 17 slide milled for a Vortex Viper and have Ameriglow Tritium Suppressor sights on the way.I'm interested to see where the CCW community stands on the issue. If you're not sure what I mean, I'm talking about this vs this.If you're interested, I am considering this for CCW but it is not my only or main gun. I want it for home defense mainly and will try to carry it. Also, I open carry when I go hunting or out to the country properties I have permissions for. No need to discuss the demerits of OC in most situations. via /r/CCW

Things to check for when choosing a holster

I'm going to be buying my first holster soon and a lot of resources that I've used have asserted finding the right holster for you, but I haven't determined what to look for when trying them out. Any tips on what to check for? via /r/CCW

Milling/slidework on my main carry gun?

Hello all, I've got a few questions about doing slide work or milling the slide on an EDC firearm. I regularly carry a (post op)P320C, and I love it. My fiancee works in a small machining/fabrication shop, so I asked her to see if her bosses could/would do some machining/milling to a firearm slide. Well she came home with a "yes", stating that I won't even be charged for the work albeit it's not overly intricate.My question is, should I have this done to my EDC? From what I understand, this can help by lightening the slide, causing less recoil felt by the shooter. Am I missing something, besides the fact that I'm pretty damn lucky? I feel like a lighter slide could potentially cause the need for a heavier recoil spring, but I'm not sure, any ideas? If you're wondering why I'd like to machine the slide on my carry gun, the answer strongly consists of the free opportunity presented to me. Thanks ahead of time for feedback/insight! I don't carry +p, just 145 gr JHP. via /r/CCW

CCW holder stops a mugging and robbery in Chicago via /r/CCW

Suggestions for a nylon belt that clips that actually fits though belt loops

I have the style now that you thread the end though the plastic buckle but it's too bulky. Would really like to move to a buckle-clip together type. via /r/CCW

CCW holder stops a mugging and robbery in Chicago via /r/CCW

Anybody hiked with bear spray and their CCW?

I'm a solo female hiker/backpacker. I appendix carry a sig p938. I am going to be going into bear country and want to carry bear spray. Both are something I need to access quickly when needed. Any suggestions for how to wisely carry both items? I was thinking continue IWB appendix for the gun and have the spray in a holster at 3:00? via /r/CCW

Friend giving up his San Bernadino CA CCW interview date. What are you doing the 30th of March?

Posted in CAGuns too, but CCW is quite more lively and may have someone, more significantly interested in CCW specifically who may apply here :).30th @ 2pm for San Bernadino County Eligible person. Figured I could help someone else out just in case they can.Title says it all and to be clear, it is the CCW interview. The first step in the process, and you will have to scramble to get all paperwork together, as it is Friday.Friend and I applied for a CCW application at same time. Regrettably he is moving to LA in two weeks and will be ineligible to complete his process to get one.Moment of SilenceQuestions for y'all is if there is a way for him to transfer his spot, or just if he calls to cancel, if someone else can call to take it over? I am not familiar with the process here.Anyone here able or know how to take over a date/able to apply?Edit: Thanks mods for letting this stay. via /r/CCW

Help me get concealed carry on my college campus! via /r/CCW

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Concealing when you're a bigger guy

Ill start by saying I'm not massively over weight, but at 6'2 and 270# I'm a little bigger than I probably should be.Appendix carry is most likely out, though ive seen the bit about 300th parallel and how to deal with the "tactical muffin top". I'm thinking more than likely, at least for awhile I'm gonna stay away from that until I get used to carrying daily. But for any of you bigger guys, carrying IWB say at the 4 o'clock position do you have any issue with printing of the firearm? I realize a smaller gun this will be less of a problem, but just messing about with my 1911 the bottom of the magazine/ grip side of it tends to poke out through my shirt. What are your thoughts? via /r/CCW

Shirt holster for CCW

Does anyone have any experience with these holster shirts? Or anything like them? would be an LCP 2I'd look for reviews on /r/gundeals but......... via /r/CCW

AIWB Holster

What specific features does an appendix IWB holster have that suit the appendix better than a standard IWB holster? If my standard IWB holster has great fit and retention is there any reason I need a designated AIWB holster to appendix carry? (Current holster is Garrett Industries Silent Thunder) I've stuck it on my appendix before and it feels great and there are no present safety issues I can see whatsoever. via /r/CCW