Thursday, August 26, 2021

Conceal Carry Habits?

I'm curious what kind of habits you guys and gals have with your conceal carry routines? I'm relatively new to carrying and just got my's been awesome having it. I've been around guns my entire life and gun safety has always been paramount. I have young kids at home and thus far my routine is to basically keep my two carry pistols in a closet safe, in their holsters while at home.I've had a pistol in that safe for years prior to getting my LTC. Right before I leave for work, I'll attach my IWB and carry for the day. Usually it's my new Glock 19, but I also have a S&W Model 60 .357mag (which was actually one of my first pistol purchases a couple decades ago) that I'll use for lighter carry situations, or with clothes that don't work well with the much bigger Glock. When I go to the gym mid-day, I'll discretely place my pistol in a locked locker while I'm working out. As soon as I get home, pistol goes right back into my closet safe. On weekends when I'm home more, I'm generally not carrying around the house. While my wife is not really a "gun person" she is by no means against them and I hunt with my older son, so she's ok with all that. She'll go shooting once in a blue moon.All that said, no one in my family thus far has any idea when I'm carrying and I make a point to ensure that my kids and wife are unaware. I've talked to my oldest son about the LTC, but he doesn't know when I carry. My wife knows full well that I have my LTC and we've talked about it plenty, and no objections there, but for whatever reason I'm inclined to keep my carrying under wraps as much at home (or around my family) as anywhere else.Any thoughts or objections to that protocol?I'm sure some folks carry every possible second and others are less frequent, but curious to hear the various thoughts out there. via /r/CCW

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