Friday, February 5, 2021

Did anyone else here have a moment in their life where they said “fuck it, I’m applying for a CCL”?

Because the moment for me where I decided to apply for my CCL happened when I was still in college. I had a major problem with being ridiculously frugal with university amenities, I didn’t like spending my money on university amenities like parking, so that meant I would park on the side streets. I wasn’t the only college student who did this per se, but because I had a habit of studying late into the night, I would end up being the last remaining car on the street.9 times out of 10, and I would make it back to my car and I’d hardly see anyone, which this routine caused me to put my guard down.Well one night I came across a stranger, who honestly didn’t dress sketchy at all... he wore regular clothes that made him just seem like another face in the crowd. It wasn’t like the movies or other pop culture references where a would be mugger or thief would be dressed in all black.So this person sees me and gets my attention with a simple “hey man, do you have any cigarettes on you?” I look up toward where I heard the question and instantly reply with “sorry, I don’t smoke.” The man pleaded with me, wanting me to at least give him some money to go buy some smokes because “the times are hard!”By that point I had a feeling in my gut that I need to GTFO, the only other word that came out of my mouth was “cool”, that was my response towards his plea. I then continued onwards to my car, but this time in a faster pace. I look behind me and see the guy was just nonchalantly walking my way...I make it back to my car and see the guy changed directions and began walking towards the nearby apartment complex. I get home and process the events that folded out in front of me.It took a while to get to sleep, my mind was racing, and I just had too many “what if’s” in my head. When I did manage to fall asleep, I woke up the next morning to the campus police email alert of a “suspicious person”, in the same area I was at.All I could think at the time was “damn, I wonder if that’s the same person I ran into.” Regardless of the person’s intent, I decided to apply for a CCL right then and there.I haven’t had to use my gun yet, and I hope I never have to either. via /r/CCW

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