Wednesday, February 3, 2021

21 year old male, brown, Texan, veteran, and afraid to get my first gun because I don't want to be shot at a traffic stop. Or anywhere.

Title pretty much says it all. Mods delete, downvote if this is stupid.​I've been dreaming of a P365 since it came out. I love how slick and spartan it is. I came into some extra scholarship money recently and was actually thinking about finally starting the CCW process to get one. But then I started doing my research online... I don't want to end up another statistic. I don't want spend the money on a gun, train on it, get comfortable with it, only to be shot by an officer on the side of the road when I never even needed it to defend myself beforehand. I know that if I turn on the interior lights, roll down my driver side windows, turn my wheels away from the road, take the keys out and keep my hands on the wheel at all times that I'm in the best conditions to not get shot. But what if that's not enough? An officer who anticipates every stop possibly being his or her last one might see whatever threat in me regardless and end my life right there. Then my sister who I want to be around to protect loses her only brother. My mom who I want to work hard to support loses her only son.​Anyways. What are y'all's thoughts? Especially interested in hearing from my fellow brown and armed people, but any advice is more than welcome. Thank you. via /r/CCW

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