Wednesday, December 4, 2019

This morning, an aggressive man rushed my car, his hand concealed, and demanded money. I froze. What should I have done?

Disclaimer: I'm not a concealed carrier, however I believe this is the best place for my question. It's my understanding that CCW is about de-escalation as much as self defense. If this is off topic, please remove it. Thank you.What happened: At 8 AM this morning, I went to the local McDonald's drive thru and began to order. A man quickly approached my driver's side window, placing himself between me and the ordering device. He demanded money. His demeanor was aggressive.He had his right hand in his pants up to the wrist. He was pretending to have a weapon (or, I thought, perhaps he actually had one. That seemed unlikely, as I've encountered a few vagrants at this location before, and he was likely one of them).I shook my head, said "no." He began to curse at me, and then after a few moments, took his hand out of his pants, revealing that it was indeed empty. He called me some names ("punk ass bitch", among others) and threatened fisticuffs ("I ought to beat your ass"), but, eventually, calmed down and walked away.I don't feel good about how I responded to this: I basically totally froze. I said nothing other than that initial "no." I didn't make any attempt to de-escalate the situation. My mind was on his hand, I imagined all the fatal handgun crimes I've heard about in my area. I thought about an ex who was robbed at gunpoint in nearby San Francisco. I thought about Brian Bole, a 30 year old man similar to myself who was shot dead not far from this location, a few years back. I was not thinking about what was going on right in front of me and how to handle it.As I continue to reflect on this situation, it makes me realize I basically have no plan for what to do in situations like this. I'm a quiet person with a boring life; I've never thought in any detail about what I would do in a situation like this. Being threatened with a pretend or real weapon is not something I've seriously given any thought.Questions:How big a deal is this? I mean, the man didn't actually have a gun, and I wasn't actually touched.How ought one respond to this kind of situation? An aggressive man surprises you, seems to have a weapon he's concealing, demands money. What do you do?Any other advice would be appreciated.Thank you. via /r/CCW

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