Friday, December 27, 2019

New job has a very strong “no CCW” policy

I just started carrying this year, and I was hoping to become an EDC guy. I was hoping that my new job would allow carrying (or at least not have a policy prohibiting it). Nope. They have an extremely explicit written policy prohibiting it, even if you have a permit.As much as that sucks, I plan to comply with the stupid policy. I’m not going to risk my job, career, and livelihood over it. Yes, I know that my life is more valuable than my job, etc. But I’m playing the probabilities. It’s much more likely for me to get fired for carrying than it is for me to get killed at work.Even with deep concealment, Karen from accounting could complain, get me fired, and make it impossible for me to get another job because I’d be forever branded “the maniac who brought a gun into work.” It’s also not inconceivable for Linda from HR to get a company memo on how to spot a pocket holster.Anybody in a similar situation? via /r/CCW

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