Saturday, December 28, 2019

Incident at my gym this morning

This morning I was at the gym on a treadmill. A guy around age 20-25 gets on a treadmill in front of me and to the right. He’s wearing baggy gym shorts and a baggie hoodie. He gets on the treadmill and within about 30 seconds he drops something which makes a loud noise and he falls while attempting to catch it. It was an unholstered Glock (looked like a 19) with a TLR light and an extended magazine. He hurries to pick it up, stuffs it in his hoodie pocket, grabs his phone and water bottle and walks quickly out the door.My wife was on the treadmill in front of me to the left so she was basically directly next to this guy. I know logically that Glocks have internal mechanics that make it extremely likely that they won’t go off when dropped blah blah blah. But all that means shit when you see some asshat drop a (presumably loaded) unholstered gun right next to your wife.I was initially unsure what to do next, but I decided pretty quickly that I should alert the gym management. I carry on a daily basis and am very pro-gun, but I decided this guy is one of those idiots that give us a bad name. Carrying an unholstered Glock with an exposed trigger while trying to run on a treadmill is maybe the dumbest thing I’ve heard.When I told management, they said he had just signed up for a membership that morning. I’m curious what you guys think about that. I’m sure he’s probably just someone who hadn’t been to the gym before and carries regularly so didn’t think about how to secure it. I don’t think he had any malicious intentions but it was just a very strange situation hearing that today was his first day and he clearly had an unsecured weapon.What do you all think? Would you have reported it? Would you have approached him in any way?Also, does anyone carry in the gym? I don’t because I don’t think I’d be able to secure my gun in a way that ensures it is actually secure. I leave it in my car while I’m in there. But after this experience I may change my mind. I felt very exposed and unprepared.TL;DR guy dropped unholstered Glock at my gym today and abruptly left. How would you handle this? via /r/CCW

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