Monday, December 9, 2019

There is no way that I am not gonna get beat up by this person im my class this school year.

I am a 14 year old male student and I have experienced having bad blood with this 15 year old male student in my class that is; way taller and stronger than me. He's very arrogant and for some reason he just hates me, I promise I did not do anything intentional to make him feel this way about me but he's already beaten up many previous students that he has bad blood with and there is no way that I'm not gonna get beat up, I cannot tell the principal/parents/classmates/basically anyone about this for personal reasons, he's one of those very douchey but somehow popular person because of his looks. He has a tall slender body but is very VERY strong, I have seen him do things that would consider him to be strong, Probably knows Taekwondo or something. I am a 5'4 above averagedly weighted individual who hasnt experienced any self defense training. I am just trying to play it safe because I have a feeling in my gut that he'll just fucking jump on me and beat me to death or something. Am I fucked?

Submitted December 09, 2019 at 07:54AM by pixlloyd

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