Tuesday, June 11, 2019

What would you do?

I've been watching a lot of road rage videos recently and I have been trying to figure out what I would in a situation. Someone is road raging, slams on the brakes in front of you and gets out with a bat. What would you do? Gun it and ram the car if it is in the way and get away? Would you draw? What if someone stopped behind you and you can't back up at all, would your answer be the same? Personally I think I would drive forward hitting anything in my way to avoid the situation as long as it doesn't put someone else at risk but there are times when you literally couldn't move your vehicle. I live in California so that is where I worry about even thinking to draw on someone with a close range weapon, but at the same time it is a deadly weapon. One hit can kill you. I'm more worried about my safety than my truck but i don't know if I would be scrutinized if I hit their car trying to get away or called out saying I was attempting to run them over. via /r/CCW http://bit.ly/2X7wzBH

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