Monday, June 17, 2019

The exact opposite of what I thought

Ramblings ahead... turn back now...So I started out on this path to concealed carry a few months ago after learning how easy it is to get a CHP in Virginia where I had just relocated to. I did a ton of research on the best CCW pistols, and a little bit into ammo and holsters. I was dead-set on getting a S&W Bodyguard. Had I ever held one, let alone shot one? Nope.Fast forward to my first trip to my local family owned gun shop where I had free rein over several Bodyguards, and about 50 other pistols. To my surprise, I absolutely hated the Bodyguard. The size of the gun was about what I thought I was looking for, but I couldn't get past the trigger. I tried a few others and then went home to sleep on it.I happened to stop in my local pawn shop the next day on my way home and picked up a Glock 42 for $300 and decided that was the gun for me. Ehh, it was a bit bigger than a Bodyguard but surely I could find a way to conceal it? Que learning about AIWB and the game changer that was.I took my new pistol out to the range several times along with my Bersa .380 Thunder - my first ever gun. I was more interested in learning where to hold with the Glock sights as I've never shot a Glock before. I started out at 25 ft and couldn't quite get it pegged. I ran through about 500 rounds of .380 over the next few range visits and still couldn't really figure it out. I chalked it up to me just being a new shooter, not being familiar with Glock sights, and definitely not the pistols fault.Fast forward again to this past week. I was browsing through the gun shop with a wallet full of money that didn't need spending if I knew what was good for me. I happened upon a Kahr in one of their display cases that peaked my interest. I always thought Kahr's looked really cool, and appreciated the price tag that came with them. It was a very well broken in Kahr CW45 that had a trigger like I'd never pulled before. Butter - I think was my first thought. I started thinking to myself "damn, this thing would be a blast to have". I wound up walking out of there trading in my Glock 42 ($300) for the Kahr ($250).Was I thinking about how the heck I was going to be able to conceal this huge thing? Nope. I was just elated to have a .45 (a caliber I've never shot before) in a gun with such a nice trigger and price tag. I took the gun out the following weekend with a 50 round box of Federal, and a few paper targets. I was interested in these new-to-me "dot the i" type of sights. I set a target out at about 30 feet and decided on a "cover the target with the dot" type of hold to start with. To my surprise the fist shot was almost dead on. I continued for the next couple of magazines to make this pretty okay 5" group with the occasional stray (I was rushing through this box of rounds I was so excited). The gun also hardly kicked as much as I was expecting it would which was a plus being new to .45.I went home and played around with some of my holsters in the AIWB position. To my surprise again, I was able to conceal the gun incredibly well. Being 5'9 and 150 lbs that wasn't an easy task with anything I've tried at 4:00 or so. I got online and pulled the trigger on a Vedder Light Tuck that I'm now awaiting in the mail tomorrow. If you told me months ago when I was looking at Bodyguards and TCPs that I'd wind up carrying a .45 just fine I'd say you're lying.Sorry for the wall of text. I just wanted to extend my thanks to you all around here for doing what you do. I've learned so much these past few months and this path to concealed carry wouldn't have been possible without this community. Cheers! via /r/CCW

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