Sunday, June 9, 2019

Shooting to wound (Pacifists, and CCW)

Seems like an oxymoron doesn’t it??!! So years ago I had a friend tell me That because of his Conscience, he would try to aim for extremities (shoot to wound) if he ever had to use a gun in self defense. I tried my best to correct his thinking on the subject, because that is tactically, and Legally one of the scariest things I have ever heard!! Not only because it could get him killed, or put in prison, but because of how easy it would be to injure a bystander!! I told him that his weapon would be a liability for him more than a protection, and he should probably reconsider carrying one. I imagine this scenario has come up before. Bottom line... both tactically, and legally “ we do not shoot to wound. Neither do we shoot to kill. You aim for center mass, and keep pulling the trigger until the threat is stopped.P.S. I’m not saying there is anything wrong with you if you are a pacifist, or if your conscience won’t allow you to defend yourself with lethal force if necessary. You simply have no business carrying a gun. via /r/CCW

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