Saturday, June 1, 2019

Shooting on my street and in front of my home tonight

I am very thankful to God that I was not home this evening. It's very normal for me to be home on a Friday night relaxing in front of the TV, but fortunately I happened to be 35 miles away, in a different county having a fun evening with family. When I returned to my home of 20 years in a fairly quiet average neighborhood at about 11:45pm, my street and front of my home on the corner, were draped with crime scene tape and about a dozen officers present. There was an apparent shooting which stemmed from some sort of party at the end of the court. There was at least one shooter who ended up standing right in front of my home and firing rounds down toward the end of the court a good 100 yards or so away. Shell casings were marked on my front lawn. An officer had to get clearance and escort my wife and I down a path to our front door.I've been LTC for 5 years and consider myself fairly well trained with firearms. I've been pondering for the past hour what might have happened had I been here. Would I have just armed up, held a position of cover? Or would I have ended up engaging this person as he was sending rounds down the street? I honestly couldn't say. But being that close to almost having to make that decision or being in the position of having to defend my home with an active shooter that close by sent a shiver down my spine. I'm thankful that I was not put in that position. Maybe nothing would have happened. Maybe my life would have changed forever. I'll say it again. I'm glad my wife and I were not home!!! Good night and God bless all! Stay safe! via /r/CCW

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