Saturday, June 15, 2019

Howdy y’all. I’d like some advice on getting my Texas LTC

I’m less than 30 days from being 21 and would like to get my LTC stuff started ASAP. I’m in Austin if that makes any difference. I’ve done some reading and watched some videos on how to go through the process but I guess I’m still a little unsure. I have the handgun that I plan to carry and gotten some holster recommendations from you guys. I just want to get the process done as quickly as I can. So what should my plan of action be? The day I turn 21 or in the days after I’ll need to renew my license right? I won’t be able to start until that’s done I imagine. Then I need to go to the local police station for prints, take a CCW course, and submit the paperwork online? Anyway I apologize for the run on just looking for how to do this in the most efficient and timely manner. Really appreciate y’all. Would love some validation, advice, and maybe some recommendations for good places in the Austin area for a course. Can I do any of this before my birthday to expedite? via /r/CCW

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