Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Girl pushes and antagonizes me, i feel threaten ed and defend my self

I'm on mobile, so sorry for any spelling/formatting errors (Let me know if this belongs somewhere else)

This takes place around 2 years ago. I was in 8th grade at a magnet school(basically a place where classes were teaching a grade higher). The first month went good, making friends, making good grades, all that good stuff. Well, around the second or 3rd month of school, this one kid(we will call her, uh, sharkiesha) started to bully me.

It started out just simple name calling, and teasing. But then it slowly started to get physical. She would push me, shove me onto the ground, scream at me, and hit me. This went on for a long time.

Now, I'm not one to be a snitch, or to take stuff sitting down. I also have anger issues(Yes, I know, not the best way to be) after about a month or two of her constantly hitting me and pushing me and making fun of me, I got tired of it.

I was walking down to hall to my 1st block class, and out of no where come sharkiesha. She shoves me onto the ground and says "come on nexit457, you gonna hit me? Come on, fight me" I stood up, and I got so mad I kinda blacked out. I just remember hitting her in the nose once, her screaming "what the fuck dude" and then running into a wall.

After that happened, I stood there, looking down, with my hands balled up in a fist. There was blood all over the floor. There was a teacher in front of us, who instantly after this happened, started to escort me to the office and call more teachers and staff. The teacher walking me to the office said that I had my hands balled up in a fist and I was shaking the entire time up to the office. The entire way up to the office, I kept saying how I was tired of it all, and how I was done with the bullshit.

When I got up to the office, they sat me down in the back. And then, in comes sharkiesha, her shirt and face is all covered in blood. They bring her to the back and start washing the blood up. She was visibly crying.

While I'm sitting down in the back, the assistant principal comes up to me and ask me what happened. I explained to her the situation. I remember saying that I would not ever apologize.

I instantly get suspended and told not to come back to school until the principal says so.

Over the course of about 3 months, I had a few meetings with the principal. She told us that it was a class A offence and that I would be expelled. She kept saying I would get expelled no matter what. So instead of getting a black mark on my permanent record, my parents took me out of the school.

The parents of sharkiesha ended up filing a assault charge against me and brought me to court.

I went to strictland(juvenile court/jail) and plead not guilty. We(my parents and I) ended up hiring a lawyer.

We went to court, and I ended up getting 30 hours of community service, and 6 months of probation. The worst part of it was, I had to say sorry to the bitch(sharkiesha) I was told at court that I had broken her nose.

I ended up doing all my community service, and getting off of probation at 4 months in because of good behavior.

I am not sorry for hitting her, and I would gladly do it again.

TL;DR: bully and harass me, get your nose broken. I may get a bit of probation and community service, but it was worth it.

(For all the people that dont believe this happened, I remember the exact dates. I hit her on October 10th, and my court date was on February 28th, also, to clear up any confusion, I am a Male. I believe in equality, so I feel morally right for hitting her)

Submitted June 04, 2019 at 01:57AM by nexit457 http://bit.ly/2MrnrUl

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